Western Instruments W-CC Fluorescent Crack Comparators
Manufactured to meet ASTM requirements for Wet Visible or Wet Fluorescent Baths
The Western Instruments W-CC Fluorescent Crack Comparators is 2 different models of Fluorescent Crack Measurement Scales. These Scales are available in Metric (W-CC-M) or Imperial (W-CC-I ) measurement references. These scales are used during Wet Fluorescent Magnetic Particle Inspection to allow the inspector to easily read the length of Indications, by comparing them to the printed scales. The measurements and length comparators are printed in a Green Fluorescent material, so the measurements are easily viewed under Black Light, any other color could be masked by the long wave UV-A Light. W-CCs are far easier to use than a ruler under UV-A, as inspectors usually use Stainless Steel Rules with Black text. Other types of Crack Comparators are offered and manufactured by others, but they dont typically apply to the inspection Scope of our Customers.